Thursday, March 26, 2009

When you're open to it, good things can happen!

My kiwi is better than you're kiwi......

I have to preface this blog with something that I already wrote about. When we were sitting around at the Taupo campsite with Melody, Flo, and Matan, we had arguments about who had met nicer Kiwis. Matan told stories of hitchhiking, then the person inviting then to stay with them and being given lots of beer. Sara and I told them about staying with Heather and Allister. In other countries I've sat around telling stories about being robbed and taken advantage of. It's nice to be able to sit around and talk about how amazing and generous people can be. It's only gotten better...

The night of my skydive, Sara and I went back to the same campsite from the night before. We made a big sushi meal with Melody. Sushi on a backpacking trip...who would have thought! In the middle of our dinner, we were greeted by 2 guys that just came back from a juggling festival and they showed us some tricks. The next day we went to the Taupo Bungy and watched people jump. It was such a beautiful place. You can even choose to go into the water. We convinced this older woman to do it. I decided that 1 crazy adventurous thing a trip was my limit for now. Watching her do it, made it a lot of fun. We headed to Rotorua. Melody told us of a free hot spring and a place to sleep so we headed there. Our site for the night was right on a lake. The next morning we woke up and met this older man, Hughie, that was working in the area. We had conversation and before even asking our names, he invited us over to stay at his place. Sara was just excited for the free shower. We stopped at Kerosene Creek and enjoyed soaking ourselves in the hot springs. It was so deliciously hot. What a treat. My body was loving it. We walked around Rotorua before going to Hughie's. That night Hughie took us out on this boat on this beautiful lake. We stopped at a hot spring that you could only get to by a boat. On the ride back, you could see tons and tons of stars. It lit up the might sky. He taught me how to find south. If I ever get lost in the southern hemisphere on a stary night, I'll be able to find my way. He was so nice and generous to us....kiwis are great! The next day we headed to the Coromandal region. We stayed the night on a beach. While we were cooking dinner on the beach, we began talking to a lady. It only took her 5minutes to invite us to sleep at her house for the night. We decided in the end to just stay on the beach. I think that Sara and I could definetely beat Matan's stories now.

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